Meet Our ILS PTL Co-Chair: Ms. Stephanie Vogelzang

We are so excited to introduce our new ILS Parent Teacher League (PTL) Co-Chairs for the 2022-2023 school year to give you a chance to better know the parents who are going to be serving in the coming school year!

We are so grateful for all of the ways that our parent community serves our students, teachers, and school. The Parent Teacher League (PTL) supports classical Lutheran education at ILS and helps to provide opportunities for parents to engage in the life of the school. Our PTL Co-Chairs are in regular communication with school administrators and room parents to help engage parent volunteers, communicate events, and strengthen our community.

Please watch for emails from the PTL and from Room Parents throughout the year about events and activities!

Meet Us! Ms. Stephanie Vogelzang, PTL Co-Chair

 1. What grades are your children in at ILS?

Betty is in 2nd grade, and William is in Kindergarten.

2. How many years has your family been at ILS?

This is our fourth year at ILS.

3. What is the last book you read?

This summer, I got back into reading fiction with one of my good girlfriends and loved The Last Thing He Told Me and the Inspector Gamache books.

4. What has your family been enjoying this summer?

As some of you know, we spend most of the summer in Holland, Michigan, where I was born and raised. We love boating, spending time with family, and enjoying small-town America.

5. What are you most looking forward to next school year?

I love hearing about each school day from Betty and William on our ride home. They tell the best tidbits!

6. What is your favorite thing about ILS?

I can't pick one thing! I love the Christ-centeredness, the academic rigor, the weekly rhythms, and the people at ILS.

7. What is one fun thing other ILS families may not know about you?

We lived in London for six years, so I love a cuppa and some good English slang.