Some of Our Favorite Memories from 2016-2017

Field Trips. Friends. House Team Competitions. Grandparents Day. Teachers. Mount Vernon. The Washington Chorus. School Construction. Science Camp. Spelling Bee. Class Plays. Christmas Caroling. Chili Cookoff. Reading Buddies. Student versus Parent Basketball Game. Pizza Days. Upper School Electives. Drop Everything and Read Day. Fall Parent Socials. Day of Service. Lutheran Schools Week. P.E. After-School Spanish Class. Thankful Thursdays. Journalism Club. Oration Showcase. Veterans Day. Soccer Team. Parent Coffees. Lower School Showcases. Chapel Helpers. Teacher Swap Day. Talent Show. Science Fair. Lunch Bunch Concert at First Baptist. Field Day. Patrol. Advent Evening Prayer Service. Mother-Daughter Tea. In-Class Music Recitals. 100th Day of School. Adventure Camp. ILS Day at Nats Park. Student Ambassadors. Weekly Chapel. MathCounts Competition. National Zoo. Basketball Team. The Great Zucchini. National Latin Exam. Graduation Party. 

It has been another wonderful year here at ILS, and we have enjoyed making so many great memories with all our students, teachers, and families this year. We asked students and teachers to share some of their favorite things from the year, and we hope you enjoy their responses! Let us know some of your favorite memories from this year in the comments.

"Sports Teams!" - Micah (6th)

"The sleep-over with the Stones & Tackle-Frisbee-Keep-Away." - Justus (8th)

"Having the best teacher ever!" - Maggie (2nd)

"The Zoo. I love math & handwriting, too!" - Haddon (1st)

"Exploding volcanoes in our classroom." - PIerce (Jr.K)

Mrs. Stone:

  •     Office vs. Lower School Outfit Wars (currently taking place)
  •     Hosting the 8th grade boys for a sleep over at the Stone household
  •     The Parent vs. Student basketball game
  •     Enjoying an evening out with colleagues after teacher appreciation week at Mason Social
  •     Birthday buddy celebrations among the staff
  •     Receiving a birthday card from every student in the school (because of my birthday buddy Miss Fleming)
  •     Acting as a Children's Show Host for the US Human Clue house competition

"P.E. & our extra P.E. class when we played Sharks & Minnows." - Naomi (K)

"I really enjoyed watching my class put together a skit from their literature book The Horse and His Boy. Everyone pitched in and helped with creating costumes. Each student memorized his or her lines excellently." - Mrs. Krumwiede

"Going to Field Day & Miss Reistad!" - Abigail (1st)

"Making a home run & playing baseball with the boys." -Lexia (3rd)

"The people - friends, teachers, and all the cute babies who were born this year!" - Lena (5th)

"Being able to have the opportunity to be around new people." - Nathan (2nd)

"The boys in our class! They make everything in 4th grade fun." - Mary Shelton (4th)

"When we made Easter eggs." - Jerusalem (K)

"The 8th graders jokes- they have a lot of them!" - Eliana (7th)

"Learning!" - Caleb (2nd)

"Tut - our classroom frog!" - Catherine (1st)

"Playing Winthrop in the school Talent Show & seeing my favorite animal at the Zoo." - Scott (4th)

"Listening to The Boxcar Children." - Burke (K)

"Rafting at Adventure Camp." - Huit (8th)

"Hanging out with Miss Malcolm." -Margaret (5th)

"Art." - Juliet (2nd)

"Smell balls at the beginning of the year and Sparkle. Plus I love art and history and Mrs. Krumwiede." - Eden (3rd)

"Field Day & the water race. And Joke Day!" - Jack (Jr.K)

"Science Camp!" - Parker (5th), Andrew (6th), Jonah (6th), Timothy (5th), A.J. (6th)

Mr. Schultz:

  •     The ILS 6/7/8 soccer team getting their first victory on the soccer field against Gesher.  We scored in the final moments of the game for the win!
  •     I love our staff socials!!!
  •     During a capture the flag game, Huit had captured the flag but still had to bring the flag back to his side to win.  Preston was guarding Huit, and Huit could do very little with Preston guarding.  Out of nowhere Huit's teammate, Justus, tackles Preston which allows Huit to get free and bring the flag back.

"Field Day & pizza and ice cream days." - Hazel (1st)

"Painting & the Zoo." - Howard (K)

"Adventure Camp. I feel we got a lot closer as a class." - Bemnet (7th)

"Lunch Bunch & field trips." - Etta (K)

"Playing sports against other schools' teams." - Elle (5th)

"Everything about school!" - Linden (2nd)

"Making food for everyone at camp." - Marina (7th)

"Spending time with everyone & eating lunch together down the hill." - Mary Evelyn (5th)

"The 1st day of school. It was scary at first but then fun. Now I love everything!" - Libby (1st)

"When we did baseball in PE or played capture the flag." -Jackson (3rd)

"When we do jokes on our teachers in class. Plus I love literature and writing!" - Kendall (6th)

Ms. Kramer:

  •     Singing hymns with the teachers at the Habrecht/Braun house
  •     Worshipping together in chapel each week
  •     Crying at the graduation speeches this year - and really, watching the students I have known and loved for the past seven years growing more and more into young men and woman of intelligence, maturity, spirit, and good cheer.
  •     Sharing a table with Mrs. Stone and Mr. Thompson as our "office space"- it feels like work camping
  •     Calling teachers by their initials all year and realizing that now everyone is doing it too
  •     Going to Adventure Camp with 7th and 8th graders - playing games around the campfire and trying to help the 8th grade boys cook hamburgers (they named each patty).
  •     When Miss Lange made up a song about Odie that we still sing!
  •     Meetings with the house captains to plan our end of year house competition - what moments of hilarity!