Meet Us Monday: ILS Student Ambassadors

Immanuel Lutheran School is pleased to announce the selection of seven students to serve as 2018-19 Student Ambassadors. Open to 6th through 8th grade students at ILS, the Student Ambassador program is a highly selective service opportunity for students to engage with visitors and guests to the school throughout the year, including at our Admissions Open Houses. Students must apply for the program, and go through an in-person interview process. Student Ambassadors demonstrate an enthusiasm for the school, and the ability to clearly articulate the mission and vision of the school.

This year's ILS Student Ambassadors include:

Abigail Abegg (8th grade)
Kendall Brady (8th grade)
AJ Tovares (8th grade)
Aria Ullman (7th grade)
Parker Work (7th grade)
Ione Erber (6th grade)
Rory Schriver (6th grade)

We are so proud of these students and are excited to work with them this school year as they serve as Student Ambassadors. These students are articulate, strong public speakers, and can effectively communicate with visitors to the school. They will be wonderful representatives of the school in many capacities throughout the year, and we love the energy and enthusiasm they bring to this important role for our school.

The Student Ambassador program is one of several opportunities for ILS Upper School students to serve the school community and earn points for their House Teams. Instituted and sponsored by our faculty, the ILS House System is meant to encourage culture, a distinct sense of school pride, and to recognize those who go above and beyond in the spirit of the team. All 5th through 8th grade students at ILS are members of one of four House Teams, in which they compete in a variety of academic, athletic and artistic competitions. In additional to serving as Student Ambassadors, students have the opportunity to serve the school community on morning and afternoon student patrol and as weekly Chapel helpers, also earning points for their Houses.