Six Questions with Mrs. Stone

Happy First Day of School! We are so excited to welcome so many new and returning students, family and staff for what we are sure will be a wonderful and exciting year.

As the year begins, we will be introducing (or re-introducing) you to the dedicated and caring ILS faculty members who serve you and your students each and every day.  Through our Six Questions Series, each faculty member has a chance to share some of their own reflections on classical, Christian education and what they enjoy most about our ILS community. We hope you enjoy these features and that you will stop by and say hi to our teachers and staff in person.

Today's blog features Mrs. Ruth Stone, our ILS Manager of Operations and Director of Extended Care. Enjoy!

1. What do you teach at ILS/what is your role at ILS?
Starting my third year at Immanuel Lutheran School, I am the Manager of Operations and Director of Extended Care. I love the many hats I get to wear at ILS and being a part of such a strong and encouraging community!

2. What attracted you to classical, Christian education?
Immanuel attracted me to Classical Education! Like many in the ILS community, my first introduction to classical education was through the school. Inspired by the teachings and practices daily carried out in this place…I am now hooked on Classical Education.

3. What do you enjoy most about our ILS community?
You! The best part about my job is getting to work with families and faculty who believe, teach, and confess the truth of God’s word.

4. What was your favorite class (or subject) in school?
MATH MATH MATH!!! "Mathematics as an expression of the human mind reflects the active will, the contemplative reason, and the desire for aesthetic perfection. Its basic elements are logic and intuition, analysis and construction, generality and individuality.” - Richard Courant

5. What book(s) are you currently reading? (What books are on your nightstand?)
Inca (Geoff Micks); I Married You (Walter Trobisch); Hannah & Nathan (Wendell Berry)

6. Please share one thing families wouldn't already know about you.
I was in a bluegrass band!!! I love my Old Kentucky roots! :)